Say goodbye to spam texts for good.Say goodbye to spam texts for good.
TextKiller blocks 99% of unwanted text messages, so you can live life spam text free.™
Textkiller has 12,000 ratings and 4.5 stars in the App Store.Try it free
We keep blocking. They keep talking.
The Washington PostBusiness InsiderFox BusinessThe New York Times

Good texts only™

Get all of the texts you want and none of the ones you don't with TextKiller.

TextKiller automatically protects you from over 100,000 known text scams, and our global block list is updated in real-time to ensure you're safe from any emerging threat.
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TextKiller's predictive SMS blocking algorithm can determine if a text is spam in <0.01 second, then shut it down before it you ever see it.
Before using Textkiller your messages inbox could be full of spam. Textkiller keeps your inbox clean so you have  easier access to your important conversations.
189 Million
Spam texts blocked
Scammers identified
$33 Million
Losses prevented

Protect your wallet

Get all of the texts you want and none of the ones you don't with TextKiller.

TextKiller automatically protects you from over 100,000 known text scams, and our global blocklist is updated in real-time to ensure you're safe from any emerging threat.
Try it free
Scammers sent 88 billion texts last year and stole an estimated $10 billion in the process.
Featured in the App Store as a Must-Have Utilities App
5 Star rating
Love this App
“Wow, this has really cut down all the annoying spam texts I was getting! Highly recommend!!”
- ios user, youvegottobekiddingmeright
5 Star rating
Thank you
“Thanks for keeping me safe and please continue to keep me safe”
- ios user, FancyNancyninniegost

Restore your digital zen

Tired of annoying, invasive spam texts? You're not alone. The good news is, TextKiller’s proprietary spam text blocking algorithm shuts them out. The end result? A clean iMessage and no more headaches.
Learn more
No more spam texts.
It's that simple.
Try it free